Shropshire Star

Events in Telford aim to support awareness of autism

A shopping centre is helping to promote the acceptance of autism.

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Autism Service Managers for Adults and Children services from Telford Autism Hub and Telford Centre's Autism Champions

Telford Centre is working with Telford Autism Hub to support a range of activities next week for the 60th anniversary year of World Autism Acceptance Week.

Autism Acceptance Week is about raising awareness to help create a society that works for autistic people. Activities are planned by Telford Autism Hub for the week from Monday, March 28 to Friday, April 1.

Julie Collins, children’s services manager at Telford Autism Hub said: “We are pleased to be working with Telford Centre and the centre’s Autism Champions to increase awareness and raise the understanding of autism to help benefit the community as a whole.”

Katie Broome, marketing manager at Telford Centre said “We have been working closely with Telford Autism Hub for a number of years.

"Their expertise has been invaluable in helping us to understand the needs of the autistic community and how best to meet these.

"They have helped us to develop a team of Autism Champions who are on hand to help as part of our customer service team, our weekly quiet hour and our roof top garden, and we look forward to continuing our partnership through 2022.”

Activities include:

· A coffee and chat Monday, March 28 at Hazeldine House, from 11am - 12.30pm. It's inviting parents to share their views on how Telford Centre can be more accessible.

· Meet Telford Centre’s Autism Champions, Tuesday March 29. Staff and volunteers from the Autism Hub and Telford Centre’s Autism Champions will be on hand to talk about the work they do and the help they can provide as well as providing activities throughout the day.

· Wellbeing Walk, Wednesday March 30. Meet outside Southwater Library at 10am for a leisurely stroll at Telford Town Park and enjoy refreshments after the walk.

· Drop In Session, Friday April 1. Intended for adults diagnosed or awaiting diagnosis of being on the autistic spectrum. Coffee, tea, board games, table tennis, poll and crafts or simply come along for a chat.

Based at Hazeldine House, at Telford Centre, The Telford Autism Hub supports local children, families and adults.

Its aim is to enable people on the autistic spectrum to fulfil their potential be removing the barriers people face to accessing the community and recreational activities.

The partnership is committed to inclusive communities and addressing the misconceptions associated with neurodiversity.

The Autism Hub is also Telford Centre’s Charity Partner of The Year so will be working closely with the centre team on projects including the centre’s One Great Day event to help raise funds for the charity and The Retreat roof top garden, a sensory garden that provides a quiet space to relax located at the centre which the hub helped to develop.

For further information, including full details of the accessible services available at Telford centre visit

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