Shropshire Star

'It's been an honour and a privilege': Outgoing Telford mayor makes way for successor

The outgoing mayor of Telford & Wrekin said it has been a "great honour" and a "privilege" to represent the borough for a second time.

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Councillor Stephen Reynolds

Councillor Stephen Reynolds has spent 2019/2020 as mayor and is preparing to make way for his successor, who will be elected at the authority's AGM.

Councillor Reynolds said: “To be mayor for a second time is amazing and an absolute honour.

“To pick out highlights from this year is very difficult as every event is different and important in its own way.

“I hope that as a legacy I have been able to promote the image and importance of Telford & Wrekin and make a positive impact on all the individuals, businesses, groups and organisations across the borough.”

Councillor Reynolds said he has fond memories of welcoming and escorting Princess Alexandra to the Maws Craft Centre in the Ironbridge Gorge as part of the Telford Pride Awards.

Listen to Councillor Reynolds here:

He added that he is proud of the resilience of the borough’s residents who have to deal with the impact of flooding in Ironbridge and now the coronavirus pandemic.

“People in Telford & Wrekin have rallied around looking after each other with the fortitude and community spirit that the borough thrives on," he said.

Councillor Reynolds’ mayoral charity for the past year has been the YMCA, as the organisation celebrates its 160th year in Wellington.

“I have been raising much needed funds for this important charity as well as making everybody aware of what they do,” councillor Reynolds said.

He also extended his best wishes to his deputy mayor, councillor Amrik Jhawar, and thanked him for his support.

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