Shropshire Star

Plans for alpaca building

Controversial plans to construct a building to house alpacas will go before planning bosses next week.


An application has been submitted for the plans at The Larches, Larches Lane, Oreton, Cleobury Mortimer, but Farlow Parish Council has objected to the plans.

Shropshire Council's officer Tim Rogers has recommended that the application is approved subject to conditions, but the parish council unanimously objected to the plans.

The parish council objected over the positioning of the proposed building, which was said is "inappropriate and is over domineering for both Larches Lane and especially adjacent properties".

Members also said that the size and height is "excessive" and would "dominate the surrounding area".

A neighbour also objected to the plans over the location "as the size and height of the building would overshadow our small cottage and Larches Lane".

The building would measure about 22.8m by 11.1m, with a height of 5.3m to the eaves and 6.5m to the ridge.

A new access route would also be formed under the plans.

Mr Rogers concludes in the report that the plans are acceptable in principle.

He adds: "There would be no issues regarding the storage of manure outside of this building and nor would these animals result in vocal disturbances that would harm the neighbours amenities.

"The proposed building would have a traditional appearance using timber cladding to soften the appearance from the neighbouring property."

The plans will be discussed by the south planning committee at Shirehall on May 9.