Shropshire Star

Knights to cross swords as Battle of Shrewsbury medieval weekend returns

Knights will cross swords when a medieval weekend commemorating a famous Shropshire takes place.

SHREWS COPYRIGHT EXPRESS&STAR TIM THURSFIELD 27/07/19 Medieval weekend event at Battlefield 1403, Shrewsbury. Experiencing life in the lead up to the Battle of Shrewsbury. Battle commences in the display area.

The Battle of Shrewsbury Weekend at Battlefield 1403 returns this Saturday and Sunday, and will give Salopians a fun day out - as well as a valuable history lesson on one of the bloodiest confrontations on British soil.

Knights and archers will give combat demonstrations, while there will also be craft and cooking activities and a range of stalls.

A spokesman for the event said: "Over the anniversary week of the Battle of Shrewsbury, we travel back to medieval Shropshire to see the sights and sounds of every life leading upto the battle.

"During this great family day out you will get to see knights in armour and archers preparing for battle, living history including traditional crafts and cookery. With many activities to try your hand at throughout the day and many skills that can be used today.

"There will be a historical market area selling all manners of wares, plus local crafts, organisations and much more.

"Each day will end with the Battle of Shrewsbury where you can choose sides of the rebel army or the king himself."

The Battle of Shrewsbury was fought on July 21, 1403, between an army led by the Lancastrian King Henry IV and a rebel army led by Henry "Harry Hotspur" Percy from Northumberland. The battle, the first in which English archers fought each other on English soil, reaffirmed the effectiveness of the longbow and ended the Percy challenge to King Henry IV.

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