Shropshire Star

Uninsured driver crushed woman's foot in Shrewsbury town centre crash

A man who crashed a car and caused a woman's foot to be crushed before driving off has been banned from the roads.

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When he realised what he had done, James Byrne ripped the number plate off the car he borrowed and fled the scene in Shrewsbury town centre, a court heard.

Telford Magistrates Court heard that Byrne, aged 48, had driven a friend's Ford Mondeo to go for addiction counselling.

He parked in Roushill, but when he was leaving, he reversed into another car, which crushed a woman's foot against the kerb.

The court heard that Byrne got out to check if the woman was okay, but when it was suggested the police should be called, he tore the number plate off the car and drove off.

The victim suffered a bad sprain and bruising, and had to take time off from her job as a hairdresser.

Byrne, of Orchard Square, Highley, Bridgnorth, pleaded guilty to failing to stop after an accident, failing to report an accident, driving without insurance and driving without a licence.

District Judge Marcus Waite told him: "You were on your way from an appointment to help with your drug habit.

"The victim has said this has knocked her confidence while learning to drive.

"Driving off from the scene of an accident where someone was hurt is the most serious element of this."

Byrne was banned from driving for six months and given a 12-month community order. He was also ordered to pay £200 compensation to the victim as well as £230 in other costs.

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