Shropshire Star

New bridge on the way to help pedestrians and cyclists cross busy north Shropshire roundabout

Pedestrians and cyclists are getting a new bridge to help them get over a busy A5 roundabout.

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Mile End bridge work

Works to install the bridge over the A5 at Mile End roundabout, Oswestry are underway.

A Shropshire Council spokesperson says the bridge will improve pedestrian and cyclist connectivity between the surrounding area and the new innovation park.

They added that it is "another important stage of development to the area following the Mile End junction improvements completed last year."

The works will "support planned development of Oswestry innovation park, which hopes to create more employment land in this area of Oswestry."

Mile End bridge

Councillor Mark Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for growth and regeneration, said: “Some eagle-eyed members of the community may have already seen the bridge in situ, when driving near Mile End.

“We hope the bridge build is completed by spring 2024, and lifted towards the end of this year, but as work progresses, we will make sure our local community are informed of key updates, as the installation will require a formal closure of the A5.

“Alongside the bridge, work on the proposed innovation park is also progressing. Designs for the spine roads, connectivity and utilities are completed, and has enabled us to prepare an infrastructure procurement package for the whole site.

“We hope to award this contract and commence work on site from spring next year, with employment land plots becoming available from early 2025.

“We have already agreed terms for three of the plots which will be pre-sold, and are monitoring interest for the remaining plots, whilst we wait for the infrastructure contract to be awarded.”

Councillor Joyce Barrow, who represents the St Oswald ward on the county council, said: “I am pleased to see this exciting project moving forward. This will bring much-needed jobs into the area and pump money into the local economy.

"This junction is an artery to the Midlands and Wales, which makes it the perfect place for national companies to relocate to, and new businesses to start up.”