Shropshire Star

Composter thrown out

Shropshire council has rescinded planning permission for a commercial composting under near Child's Ercall after councillors heard that the developers had still not carried out the necessary traffic management plan and routing agreement.


In-Vessel Composting Ltd was controversially granted planning permission for the facility in an aircraft hanger on Eaton Road, Child's Ercall in 2011.

The permission was subject to conditions that the company provide a traffic managent plan and agree that all heavy goods vehicles associated with the delivery of waste materials must only use an agreed vehicle route between the A41 and the airfield, avoiding the village.

Yesterday (tues) the council's north planning committee was told that eight years later the section 106 agreement tying up the conditions had still not been signed off because the conditions had not been agreed.

Councillor Gerald Dakin said: "The company has had eight years to get this sorted out and they have not done so."

The committee voted to refuse planning permission because the section 106 agreements had not been complied with.