Shropshire Star

Arts programme launches at the mere's and mosses centre

A new programme of virtual events organised by the Arts Network and hosted by Shropshire Council for artists, their organisations or anyone interested in the arts has been announced.

An outdoor exhibition

The new series of events launches on April 6 when the focus falls on the Meres and Mosses Exhibition, led by artists Andrew Howe and Sue Challis with members of Wem Youth Club.

The finished piece recognises the environmental value of the peatbog at Whixhall Moss, near Wem. It stems from a long-term collaboration between artists, Shropshire Wildlife Trust and Natural England, funded as part of an Arts Council England project the Mosses and Marshes, with support from the Marches Mosses Bog-LIFE project.

The young people were also supported by local artist Kate Johnston, Shropshire Wildlife Trust’s Anna Martin and Phil Playford.

The exhibition includes three seven-metre banners, photographs of the young people at work, artwork they created as part of the process and work from the collaborators, as well as paintings, collage and videos by Andrew Howe and Kim V Goldsmith.

The Mosses and Marshes project has brought together the local community, artists, land managers and environmental specialists in the UK and Australia using art to transform how we think about a place and its changing environment.

The Bog-LIFE project aims to restore the Mosses, and to support people to understand their importance. Peatlands are one of the rarest and most precious habitats on earth. 80% of peatbogs in the UK have been damaged, including the local Mosses. The work is funded by an EU LIFE grant, and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Shropshire Council Arts Network virtual events are free and hosted on Zoom.

To book onto the Arts Network events, please email

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