Shropshire Star

Driver fell asleep at wheel and crashed after 300-mile drive and Snowdon climb, injuring passenger

A motorist involved in a serious smash had fallen asleep at the wheel after driving 300 miles and climbing 3,560ft up Snowdon in the early hours, a court has been told.

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Dashcam footage showed Anthony Churchill, 29, of Gladstone Close, Weymouth, Dorset, on the wrong side of the road at a bend before colliding with a car on the A5 near Glyndyfrdwy near Llangollen.

His passenger suffered multiple injuries.

Churchill pleaded guilty at Llandudno Magistrates Court on Friday to causing serious injury by dangerous driving to his passenger Mateusz Szwarc.

His car was involved in the collision with a Mercedes CLS car at 8.10am on June 17.

Prosecutor Grace Carson said Mr Szwarc had multiple injuries and needed surgery to his lower spine. He had been taken to the Royal Stoke University Hospital.

Churchill had driven from Dorset. He told police he hadn’t slept for 24 hours and after climbing the highest peak in Wales and England had driven a Nissan Juke for another two hours despite being tired.

“He fell asleep while driving,” Ms Carson said.

Defence solicitor Graham Parry requested a pre-sentence report and Churchill was bailed until his sentence at Mold Crown Court in October. He was given an interim driving ban.