Shropshire Star

Equinox brings stunning sunset for Shropshire sky watchers

The sun set on summer in Shropshire and the moon rose on autumn in truly spectacular fashion.

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Pat Marzelos took this photo in Oswestry

Across the county the sunset put on a show turning from pale to deep pink and orange before dipping beneath the horizon on the eve of the equinox on Tuesday.

Soon afterwards the Corn Moon, just beginning to wane, rose in the east, orange from the last rays of the sun.

People across the county took to social media to post photos after standing in their gardens or even the side of the road to marvel at the colours.

A shot of the Corn moon by Juanita Lloyd
The Mere in Ellesmere taken by Ruth Iskauskas
The sunset begins

The equinox marks the transition from summer to autumn with 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night.

Pat Marzelos from Oswestry got her camera out to take some photos close to home and Ruth Iskauskas took her photo while walking her dog Poppy by the mere in Ellesmere.

Weather forecasters are predicting more cloud for the coming few days but despite slipping into Autumn temperatures will above average at about 20 degrees until Monday when they will dip down.

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