Shropshire Star

Placing health equity at heart coronavirus recovery in Wales is key, says new report

The disproportionate impact that the pandemic has had on communities in Wales has been highlighted in a new report.

Last updated

Published today, it calls for a greater emphasis on health equity – ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to be healthy – in response to, and recovery from coronavirus.

Produced by the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre at Public Health Wales, it provides a detailed picture of the wider social, economic and environmental impacts that coronavirus has had on people in Wales, focusing on reducing the widening health gap.

The report highlights the wider, less immediately visible, effects of the pandemic on a range of issues including poverty, unemployment, education and crime, and the disproportionate impact that coronavirus has had, and is having, on specific groups such as children and young people, women, key workers and ethnic minorities.

Dr Tracey Cooper, chief executive of Public Health Wales, said: “The coronavirus pandemic is having significant health, wellbeing and socio-economic consequences. It is felt unequally across our society threatening those in most need.

“However, amidst the crisis, a new window of opportunity has opened.

"Public health has become a global focus, strengthening the case for investing in people’s wellbeing – preventing disease early, protecting and promoting health, enhancing resilience and equity, supporting the most vulnerable and empowering our communities.


“Working with the World Health Organisation, Wales is the first country to become a global influencer and live innovation site for health equity.

“Delivered through our WHO Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Wellbeing, this Wales Health Equity Status Report initiative provides a platform for synthesising and sharing evidence and intelligence, developing practical tools and helping to close the health gap in Wales and beyond.

“We hope this will improve our collective understanding of the social, economic and environmental impacts of the coronavirus pandemic and support a sustainable and fair response and recovery in Wales.”

The report also highlights digital technology as a means by which people can support and maintain their mental wellbeing, however also recognises a 'digital divide' exists.

Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language, Eluned Morgan, said: "During the pandemic we have introduced a number of new initiatives to tackle the digital divide and support those most affected.

“These include a national telephone befriending service for older people and our Looking Out For Each Other Safely campaign which provides advice on how to stay in contact and prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation.

"Going forward we will strive to ensure everyone has access to the services they need, whether they are young or old, and reduce the number of people who feel digitally excluded."