Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury care home told to improve by inspectors

A Shrewsbury nursing home has been told it must improve by inspectors.

Last updated

The Mount & Severn View is run by Barchester Healthcare Homes Ltd and was inspected by members of the Care Quality Commission in July.

A previous inspection in August 2017 rated the home as requiring improvement and there was also a breach of regulation of the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

Inspectors this time found that people were not always treated with dignity and respect and their needs were not always responded to in a timely manner.

In a report released this week, the inspectors said: "Complaints were investigated however there was no system in place to address informal grumbles.

"Infection control measures were in place however they had not prevented malodours in some areas. The home was in need of redecoration, especially on the first floor where there were noisy and uneven flooring in places.

"Although staffing numbers had increased people still had to wait for their care needs to be met. One person said, "Staff are working their socks off. They can't leave someone to come to me. When they can get to you, they will, but when I'm on my bed and I can't move it's awful.

"People had differing experiences about the care they felt they received. While some people were positive about the care they received, others were not.

"The service was not consistently caring although people's right to privacy was upheld. Some areas of the environment required maintenance to ensure it was safe for its intended purpose."

However, inspectors also noted that the 49 residents of the home were safeguarded from the risk of abuse and their medicines were stored and administered safely.

They said: "People were involved in decisions about their care. People were offered activities within the communal areas and their end of life wishes were gathered and responded to at the required times.

"Staff worked in partnership with other health and social care colleagues and staff told us they received support and guidance from the manager.

"At our last inspection we had found that records were not clear in showing how decisions had been made for people who lacked the mental capacity and generic pre-printed forms were used. At this inspection we saw improved records in relation to decision making and who had been involved in making decisions on people's behalf."

A spokesman for Barchester said: "We take the findings of the Care Quality Commission very seriously and we are in the process of developing a robust plan to address the issues raised.

"As part of this plan we are in the process of refurbishing the home to improve the bedrooms and all communal areas. It is encouraging to see that the report recognised an improvement in the staffing numbers following a recruitment drive.

"We would like to reassure everyone of our commitment to providing the highest quality of care to those living at Mount & Severn View and to emphasise that their health and wellbeing is at the forefront of everything we do.”