Shropshire Star

Shropshire organ transplants reach record level

The number of people alive in Shropshire due to organ transplants has reached 282.

Last updated

This figure is revealed by NHS Blood and Transplant whose annual Transplant Activity Report, published today, shows the UK-wide number of people alive thanks to transplants has reached the milestone figure of 50,000.

NHS Blood and Transplant is now urging people in Shropshire to help even more patients to survive by joining the NHS Organ Donor Register.

In Shropshire, the number of people on the organ donor register has increased by 27 per cent over the past five years.

There are now 180,783 people on the NHS Organ Donor Register in Shropshire, compared to 142,208 five years ago.

The public support for donation also means more people in Shropshire are receiving lifesaving and life enhancing transplants than ever before. Last year 24 people in Shropshire had transplants, compared to 22 five years ago.

Sally Johnson, director of organ donation and transplantation for NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “More people than ever in Shropshire are committing to organ donation and that is saving more lives than ever. It’s amazing to picture all the people now alive today thanks to organ donation and think of all the families and children who have grown up thanks to donors.

“We’re seeing more and more people committing to donation and the good results of our close work with hospitals.

“Our specialist nurses in organ donation are now almost always involved in discussions with families over organ donation.

“However there is still a long way to go. About three people still die a day in need of a transplant. Every one of those people who died could be a mother or a father, a daughter or a son, who might be alive today.

“Families tell us donation is a source of pride that helps them in their grieving process.” We don’t want anyone in Shropshire to miss the opportunity to save lives through organ donation. Please join the NHS Organ Donor Register. It only takes two minutes.”

Anyone can sign up as a donor on the NHS Organ Donor Register. Age and existing medical conditions do not have to prevent joining.

For information about joining visit

Nationally, the number of people on the NHS Organ Donor Register reached a record number, 23.6 million. Today 36 per cent of the UK’s population is on the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Despite the record breaking public commitment to donation, there is still a shortage of organ donors. Nationally, three people still die a day in need of a transplant.

There are still around 6,400 people currently waiting for a transplant. This is a particular need for people to register from black and Asian backgrounds. People from the same ethnic background are more likely to be a match but there are not enough black and Asian donors.

In 2013, the UK Governments and NHS Blood and Transplant launched a seven year organ donation and transplantation strategy Taking Organ Transplantation to 2020.

The full Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Report 2016/17 can be viewed at:

Join the NHS Organ Donor register at