Shropshire Star

Goalkeeping legend Neville Southall signs on as patron for Shropshire charity

Legendary Welsh goalkeeper Neville Southall has signed on as patron for a county charity.

Omega CEO, Pete Brophy (left), at a recent event with Neville Southall MBE (right) and former Welsh captain and Shrewsbury Town manager Kevin Ratcliffe.

Southall, who played 92 times for Wales and 578 times for Everton, has leant his profile to support Shrewsbury-based Omega.

The charity – which is dedicated to ending isolation and loneliness, said it was delighted to have the support of someone who has become known for championing issues of mental health awareness.

In a statement Omega said: "Neville is a huge advocate for enhancing and promoting mental health awareness and support and has published his own book ‘Mind Games’, in which he explores and reflects upon some of society’s problems and tackles the ‘final taboo – mental health’.

"He is also a social justice-campaigner and has used his extensive social media following – on Twitter/X, to champion issues surrounding mental health and politics."

Southall MBE, also has a connection to Shropshire, having briefly, signed for Shrewsbury Town FC during the 2001/02 season.

Omega said: "Neville recognises the growing problem with social isolation and acute loneliness amongst adults in the UK and wants to help raise the awareness of both the Omega and our important life changing/saving intervention work during #mentalhealthawarenessweek and beyond.

The charity's CEO Pete Brophy, said: "I want to warmly welcome Neville to Omega and thank him for his interest, support and commitment to what we are trying to achieve."

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