Shropshire Star

Bridgnorth flooding victims invited to meeting to help build action plan for town

People in Bridgnorth affected by flooding are being invited to a meeting to help build a local flood response plan.

The latest bout of flooding in Bridgnorth, earlier this month

The Bridgnorth Flood Action Group, supported by the charity National Flood Forum, is planning a meeting next week to kick off a campaign for better protection for Bridgnorth.

Recent repeated flooding means residents have suffered flooded homes five times in the last four years.

The group are now asking residents and business owners in Bridgnorth who are affected by flooding to attend a meeting next week.

Issues raised at the meeting will help contribute to a local flood response plan to help residents and businesses prepare and recover from flooding events.

This plan will then be shared with Bridgnorth Town Council, Shropshire Council, emergency services and the Environment Agency.

The group also say they aim to take their plight to higher levels and campaigning for better protection for Bridgnorth.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 31 at 6pm at Bridgnorth Community Hall off Severn Street car park.

Those unable to attend are asked to share their views and ideas via email at