Shropshire Star

Flood warnings and alerts in Shropshire as River Severn level remains high - updates

River levels around Shropshire remain high with flood warnings and alerts in place around the county.

Last updated
Part of Frankwell car park in Shrewsbury is submerged, with flood defences up further along

Although the Severn has not burst its banks, two flood warnings remain in place in Shrewsbury, with one issued for Frankwell and another for the Showground and The Quarry.

As of 11am on Tuesday, flood alerts were also in place at:

  • River Dee catchment in England from Whitchurch to Chester - areas most at risk include low lying land and roads around the River Dee at Shocklach, Farndon, Handley, Lower Kinnerton, Chester and Puddington

  • River Severn in Shropshire - the rest of the county outside the two flood warnings in Shrewsbury -

  • Severn Vyrnwy confluence - north west of Shrewsbury up to the Wales border

  • Tern and Perry catchments - affected rivers include the Tern, Perry, Roden, Strine and Meese and their tributaries

Flood defences have been installed in towns along the River Severn, including Shrewsbury, Ironbridge and Bewdley.

Find out the latest information about river levels, as well as weather updates, below.