Shropshire Star

Five reasons you should be worried about sewage being dumped in the Severn according to campaigners

Wild swimmers, paddle boarders, canoeists and a woman dressed as a poo took to the water to call for an end to raw sewage being dumped in the River Severn.


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Shropshire Bathing Waters Group, who are campaigning for cleaner rivers in the county, were at the Frankwell jetty in Shrewsbury to voice their concerns and call for action on an issue that has sparked outrage and protest in the county and the wider UK in recent years.

The demonstration on Saturday was part of a national campaign co-ordinated by Surfers Against Sewage at more than 30 locations across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland – calling for an end to sewage pollution.

Team GB Olympics hero Dame Kelly Holmes, who is a keen paddle boarder, was expected to join a protest on the south coast.

We spoke to protesters in Shropshire to ask what their top reasons were for campaigning for cleaner rivers.

1) Fears of getting sick

Chloé Walker-Panse enjoys swimming and paddle boarding as well as surfing when she's at the coast. However, like many, she has ended up ill from going in the water.

"People don't want to get sick when they go in the water," she said. "They want to be able to enjoy the water. They want to come out in their canoes, their kayaks, for a swim, on their paddle boards. They want to be able to access the water without getting ill.

"I've been very ill before after a surf trip on the coast."