Shropshire Star

Drink driver blew huge reading after drinking bottle of hand sanitiser and hitting 'unknown object'

A man who crashed his car and was found at more than three times the legal alcohol limit after drinking a bottle of hand sanitiser has been banned from the road for more than two years.

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Alexis De Naray, 44, suffers "chronic alcoholism" and drank the alcoholic hand sanitiser after wrecking his car and arguing with his girlfriend on the phone, Telford Magistrates Court heard on Wednesday.

Prosecutor Sara Beddow told the court that De Naray was driving a Ford Fiesta on Cleobury Road at Rock in Worcestershire at 6.30pm on February 21 last year.

"He collided with an unknown object and that resulted in substantial damage to his vehicle.

"He pulled onto a campsite where he was joined by a witness. The witness remained with him until the police arrived.

"He told police he had drank a bottle of hand sanitiser."