Shropshire Star

'You're dead!': Newport drinker threw ashtray at woman's head in pub 'row over bread roll'

A drinker threw an ashtray at a woman's head in a row over a bread roll, leaving her "bleeding through her hands".


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Mark Kijuk, aged 37, told the woman: "You're dead!" as he launched the attack at the Railway Tavern in Upper Bar, Newport.

The results of the incident were described as "traumatic" for the victim, who had to have a laceration to her forehead glued by medics at hospital.

Telford Magistrates Court heard that the victim who was a friend of Kijuk, was out with a female friend in the pub when an argument took place on June 24 last year.

"She decided to keep her distance from him, but when she went into the pub to get more drinks, the defendant approached her," Sara Beddow, prosecuting, told the court.

"He pointed his finger at her. She slapped the defendant," Miss Beddow said.

It was then that Kijuk threw the metal ashtray at her, cutting her forehead. Some of the contents of the ashtray went over her female friend.

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