Shropshire Star

Drink driver's partner lost an arm in crash he caused - but he avoids jail despite fourth conviction

A boozed-up driver whose partner lost an arm and spent a month in a coma after he crashed his high-powered Jaguar into a ditch off the A5 has avoided prison.

Shrewsbury Crown Court

Keith Evans, aged 59, was more than twice the drink-drive limit when he thrashed along the A5 in Shrewsbury, hitting another vehicle and charging straight through roundabouts without stopping, before his car ended up on its side, half-way down an embankment.

Shrewsbury Crown Court was told of the "devastating" injuries suffered by his partner of 30 years, and that this was the fourth time Evans had been convicted of drink driving.

But despite all that, Judge Anthony Lowe spared him an immediate jail term.

The court heard how Evans was driving his silver Jaguar XF on the A5 on March 6, 2022.

Dashcam footage was played in court from a motorist in a Toyota RAV4 approaching the Woodcote roundabout near Bowbrook. Evans clipped the car's nearside as he undertook and charged through the roundabout.

The driver could be heard yelling, before she tried to close the gap on Evans to get his number plate details. She phoned 999 and, while waiting for police to pick up, carried on following Evans and repeating his car's registration number.