Shropshire Star

Telford girl punched and kicked defenceless victim in broad daylight after making Snapchat threats

A 15-year-old girl who attacked one of her peers with fists and feet while she was sitting down and defenceless has been sentenced - and warned the consequences of her attack could have been much more dire.

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Telford Magistrates Court

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, targeted the other girl in broad daylight in Telford's town centre, having previously threatened her on Snapchat.

Telford Magistrates Court heard on Wednesday that on April 10 this year the girl approached her victim when she was sitting on the ground and asked her to fight, saying "buck me".

The court was shown video, shot from behind the attacker, showing the girl repeatedly punching downwards into the victim's head before bringing her knee up towards her face.

Prosecutor Miss Sara Beddow explained that the girl repeatedly kicked and kneed her victim in the head, breaking her glasses and causing her minor injuries. At one point her head hit off the pavement.

It had long-lasting mental repercussions for the victim too; the court heard that she had since avoided the town centre and suffered flashbacks.

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