Shropshire Star

Driver who hit lamp post and had empty bottles in car footwell gets road ban

A driver who smashed into a lamppost and had bottles of alcohol in the footwell of his car refused to give police a blood sample.


Michael Luckman, aged 47, crashed his Vauxhall Astra in Telford on April 7 this year.

Telford Magistrates Court heard that when police officers attended, Luckman was slumped over the steering wheel and there were booze bottles on the floor in his car.

Luckman agreed to a roadside breath test, which gave a reading of 102 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - almost three times the limit of 35mcg.

He appeared to have a number of head injuries, so was taken to hospital. However, when officers attempted to conduct a hospital blood procedure, Luckman would not comply.

Luckman was arrested and when he was later interviewed, accepted he was the driver and "expressed remorse" for what he had done. He is a man of previous good character.

Luckman, of Bembridge, Brookside, Telford, pleaded guilty to one count of failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

Magistrates banned him from driving for 14 months and fined him £400. Luckman must also pay £135 in prosecution costs and a £160 victim surcharge.