Shropshire Star

Drunk 19-year-old kicked police officers and damaged homeless centre while being arrested

A young woman who kicked two police officers and damaged a door to a homeless centre while drunk has been given a community order.

Casey Heenan admitted assaulting two police officers

Casey Heenan admitted assaulting the officers at Llandrindod Wells on March 4 when she appeared before the town’s magistrates on Wednesday last week.

The 19-year-old of Glan Yr Ithon also admitted causing criminal damage to a door at Gwynfa in Llandrindod Wells and being drunk and disorderly in Lant Avenue, both on the same date.

Prosecuting, Ms Rebecca Ross said police came across Heenan who was screaming and crying and demanding to be let in to her accommodation. They had dealt with her two hours before for the same drunken behaviour and she was told to go home.

She became irate and kicked out when PC Gee took hold of her arm to arrest her and was screaming. The officers tried to place her in handcuffs and she kicked her left leg and hit PC Dix’s knee.

Restrained on the floor and the officers held Heenan’s legs to prevent her from kicking again but she kicked out and caught PC Gee on her right knee and was making threats to her family.

Ms Ross said staff at Gwynfa said Heenan had kicked out the rear UVPC door at the centre and was demanding to be let in. They estimated the damage would cost £500.

Probation officer Ms Donna Davies completed a pre-sentence report on Heenan after magistrates requested it.

She said Heenan had been in a casual relationship for a few months and was finding it hard to deal with because she has attachment issues.

She had drunk a lot of alcohol too and could not remember much. She said she was ashamed for assaulting the police officers and had expressed remorse for that and poor behaviour early on in the court case.

Ms Davies said Heenan suffers with depression, has autism, personality disorder and attachment issues and is medicated. She said the teenager has a history of trauma – abuse and being in the care system, and uses alcohol as a coping mechanism.

She proposed a 12 month community order.

Mitigating, Mr Paul Lewis said Heenan has some personal difficulties and is looked after in the community. He said: “She apologised to the police officers when she was booked in upon arrest.”

She was very nervous and anxious about this case but her remorse and regret has come through,” he said. He questioned the estimate for the damaged door.

Magistrates gave Heenan a 12-month community order. with 20 rehabilitation sessions to address anger issues, financial matters and alcohol use. She will also have an alcohol monitoring tag for 90 days. Heenan will have to pay £25 compensation to each officer and £100 for the damage. She will also have to pay £85 costs, a £120 fine and a £114 surcharge.