Shropshire Star

Thug smashed through door to assault ex as children sobbed in 'horror movie' attack

A drunk thug smashed through a door and tried to strangle his ex, prompting a terrified boy to call the police.

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Lewis Goode, aged 29, choked the woman and called her names in a rampage lasting several hours – all while there were young children in the house.

Shocking video footage was played to Shrewsbury Crown Court, showing Goode having smashed through a door and leaning through it, trying to grab the woman.

The court heard how the victim had invited a friend and her children over to her home in Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, on the evening of July 19 last year. Goode was also in attendance, but was told to leave after displaying “moody” and “aggressive” behaviour.

He refused, but when he stepped outside, the women seized upon the chance to lock the door behind him. Goode told them he needed to get back in to pick up his phone charger. He was let back in, but carried on being aggressive, so was thrown out again. The victim and her friend went round the house to lock all the doors and windows, but Goode found one window still open and clambered through.

The women locked themselves in a room but Goode smashed through the door in what Judge Anthony Lowe said must have been “like something from a horror movie”.

Meanwhile, upstairs, the 12-year-old son of the victim’s friend called police, sobbing down the phone as Goode’s frenzy ensued. Philip Beardwell, prosecuting, said the boy’s 999 call was “distressing to listen to”. Officers arrived in the early hours of July 20 to find Goode kicking a fence. He was arrested.

When interviewed by police, he claimed the victim assaulted him.

Goode, of Bron Y Waun, Chirk, Wrexham, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm, strangulation and criminal damage. The court heard he has five previous convictions for 11 offences, as well as a public order offence on his record for verbal abuse towards the same victim. Simon Parry, mitigating, said Goode was “remorseful for what went on”.

Judge Anthony Lowe told Goode: “This was a serious case of domestic violence. You were excluded from the house but you climbed back in through the window. You battered yourself through the door. Children were aware of what was happening. The victim still suffers.”

However, due to Goode having already served six-and-a-half months in custody and sentencing guidelines meaning an immediate prison term would run its course in another four months, Judge Lowe decided the “pragmatic” way to keep Goode on the straight and narrow would be to hand down a suspended jail term with probation service interventions.

Goode was given a 22-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. He must also complete a 100-day alcohol abstinence course, a “building better relationships” programme and 10 rehabilitation activity days.

He was also given a 10-year restraining order, banning him from contacting the victim and from going within 400 metres of her home.

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