Shropshire Star

Burglar snatched parcels from outside Shrewsbury flats in run-up to Christmas

A man who snatched parcels from a Shrewsbury block of flats less than a fortnight before Christmas has been ordered to pay £256.

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Chester House in Shrewsbury. Photo: Google

Jack Lloyd, 34, scaled a fence at Chester House in Chester Street and stole parcels containing clothes that were waiting in a communal area, once on December 12 last year and then again on December 14, a court heard.

Lloyd, of Bellstone in Shrewsbury, was caught on CCTV carrying out the thefts. He was charged with and pleaded guilty to burglary relating to the theft on December 14, then at court also admitted the theft on December 12 and asked for it to be taken into consideration.

He had 64 previous convictions for theft and similar offences but prior to last year he had not offended since 2020, Telford Magistrates Court heard in a sentencing hearing on Wednesday.

For the prosecution, Mr James Morris said that Lloyd "scaled a fence and entered the building as a trespasser".

Lloyd was caught on CCTV wearing similar clothes on both occasions, he said. In interviews with police he said he committed the crimes "on the spur of the moment" and that "no-one forced him to do it".

Lloyd's defence advocate Mr Jamie Wade said that before the thefts the defendant had been in hospital, which had affected his benefit payments and prompted him to take the parcels opportunistically to sell for money to buy food and necessities.

"He's ashamed of his actions and extremely remorseful," said Mr Wade. He had previously had issues with addiction but these were "no longer issues", said Mr Wade.

Chair of the magistrates bench, Mr Alan Parkhurst, told Lloyd that he would be given a conditional discharge for two years but would also have to pay a £26 victim surcharge, compensation to two victims of £30 and £15, and £185 costs of the prosecution.

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