Shropshire Star

Schoolboy, 12, 'hit by man who wanted his ball'

A schoolboy suffered a black eye and bruising after being hit by a man who wanted his ball.

Last updated
The boy was attacked at Leegomery playing field, pictured. Photo: Google

Telford police are appealing for witnesses to the assault which happened at Leegomery playing field, off Grainger Drive, on July 3.

West Mercia Police said the incident happened at around 7.30pm while the 12-year-old boy was playing football.

He was approached by a man thought to be aged in his early 20s.

The man, who was with two women, hit the boy causing him to suffer a black eye and bruising.

Any witnesses should contact the investigating officer Pc Brittain on 01952 214905 quoting the reference 00164_I_06072021. Or visit the website

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