Shropshire Star

Thieves steal ZEBRA CROSSING from Telford road

Parts of a temporary zebra crossing which was put in during water works has been stolen by thieves.

The zebra crossing

Black pads, laid down as part of the crossing on High Street in Coalport were taken on Monday.

The crossing had been in place while Severn Trent did work on the main sewer pipe on the nearby Silkin Way, which offers a place for pedestrians to walk which is parallel to the road as High Street does not have a footpath alongside for the whole of its length.

Residents had even said they would like to see the crossing made permanent.

The incident is believed to have taken place between 10pm and 11pm on June 12.

Kieren Bodill, spokesman for West Mercia Police, said: “This theft places people’s lives at risk, for both road users and pedestrians wishing to cross the road safely, investigations are on-going, and we appeal to those involved to come forward.

“Investigating officers would like to speak to the driver of what is believed to be an old Honda Civic seen within the area at the time of the theft; police believed that they may have information that can help the investigation.”

Seven Trent said the work has now been completed and the zebra crossing has been removed in its entirety.

However, people living in Coalport have said they would like to see a more permanent safety measure on the road.

Fiona Hotchkiss, from The Brewery Inn, directly behind where the crossing had been placed, said: “It’s had a great response as it’s made the road so much safer as they have reduced the speed limit to 20mph and put in the temporary raised crossing.

“Everyone has commented how good the crossing is and safer for all the walkers and tourists in Coalport.

“I think if it was permanent, with one further down the village too, it would make a big difference to pedestrian safety and reduce the number of speeding drivers we get.”

Police are appealing for witnesses and ask that anyone who was in the area, and who may have seen or heard anything suspicious calls West Mercia Police on 101 quoting incident 106s of June 13.

Alternatively, anyone who wants give information but doesn’t want to give their name can call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or use their anonymous online form at

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