Shropshire Star

Telford firm launches new event to drive innovation

Telford digital manufacturer, Protolabs, has launched a new series of events to drive innovation and create conversation across the manufacturing industry.

Telford-based digital manufacturer Protolabs has launched a new series of events, called InspirON exchange, to bring together manufacturers and industry experts to discuss the latest trends, challenges and opportunities within manufacturing.

The InspirON exchange series sees a community of like-minded individuals discuss the latest trends, challenges and opportunities within a production environment and how innovative technologies can deliver results in real time.

"InspirON exchange, in the purest sense, is about conversation," said Peter Richards, Vice President of Marketing and Sales at Protolabs Europe.

"We decided to create intimate events that would stimulate conversation. Large-scale events offer great value but can often be one-way streets for gaining insight. InspirON allows industry peers to exchange information, gathering and sharing their expertise to accelerate growth in the industry."

The inaugural InspirON exchange event was held at IET Birmingham.

Protolabs Northern Europe Sales Director, Steve Lewis-Brammer and Christoph Erhardt, Customer Projects and Additive Design Manager, chaired the discussion, which was centred around different additive technologies and the benefits they bring to specific industries.

Attendees also discussed how to reduce the risk of failure, improve production speed and get ahead of future trends using additive manufacturing.

Dr Sven Knowles, Knowledge Transfer Manager for Industrial Technologies and Manufacturing at Innovate UK KTN, said: "My aim was to develop my understanding of how additive manufacturing is currently impacting manufacturing as a whole, as well as how it will shape the future.

"I was particularly impressed by the interactive nature of the event, and the Q&A session led to some fascinating points that I can now share with the industrial partners I support in my role."

To register an interest in the next event, email

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