Shropshire Star

New industrial estate reaches completion in Telford

A new industrial estate has been built in Telford.

Last updated
Hortonwood frontage

The building at Hortonwood West is one of the largest industrial developments in the area for more than 10 years.

The site was built by Trebor Developments, partnered with Hillwood, under a land deal by Telford & Wrekin Council.

Bob Tattrie, managing partner for Trebor, said: "This is a fantastic building which meets occupier’s demands for quality industrial development in Telford and the surrounding area.

"It is available at far more competitive rents than most of the West Midlands and we have seen keen interest given the lack of such quality supply in the Midlands market."

The site covers 70,841sq ft with 3,679sq ft of office space.

Councillor David Wright, Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet member for economy, housing, transport and infrastructure, said: “I am delighted that Telford has managed to attract this major development and it is yet another success story for our unique land deal, in partnership with Homes England and the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership.

“This is also another welcome addition to Hortonwood West which has created many extra opportunities for inward investment into the borough.

“It will provide much needed industrial floor space and I look forward to seeing it occupied in the months to come."

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