Shropshire Star

New online health venture launched

A Shropshire medical herbalist has launched an online health service to help busy people improve their wellbeing.

Hannah Charman

Hannah Charman has set up her new business venture, Vitaliti, described as a ‘gym for your health’, to make her form of healthcare easier to access.

The service, the first of its kind, focuses on optimising health and preventing illness. She offers six-monthly health checks which help to detect serious illnesses earlier, and improve outcomes. Members also get discounts, regular training, challenges and one appointment a month.

Users will also able to get expert advice for themselves or any child under 13 living in their household by booking a short telemedicine appointment.

Hannah, a medical herbalist of 20 years who runs Physic Health Consulting, works with various UK business, providing workshops and drop-in clinics.

She said Vitaliti offers affordable help for SMEs and sole traders – a tax deductible way for busy people who literally can’t afford to take time away from work.

“Many business people are finding it increasingly difficult to access NHS services, and in many cases I can help whilst they’re waiting. Vitali is a great way for those who are time-poor to get expert advice, information and support.”

Hannah, whose clinic is in Highley near Bridgnorth, added the service is not a replacement for GPs, who she often works alongside.

“Vitaliti is mainly designed to keep you well, and meant to work alongside any mainstream treatment you may need. I will always recommend that you work with your Doctor where appropriate, but I help you to help yourself at the same time,” she said.

“I save time and money that people waste researching their health problems online, or using ineffective, inappropriate supplements. Members can use their appointment to get personalised advice whatever the problem is.”

Over time, Hannah plans to expand this service and bring in specialists in other areas such as nutrition and mindset.

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