Shropshire Star

Perfect chance for business review, says expert

A leading growth and start-up business advisor says the EU exit transition period offers a great opportunity for businesses to review exactly what they do.

Matthew Woodhead

Matthew Woodhead, who has advised thousands of people on the best way to grow their business and holds regular workshops for the Marches Growth Hub, said the fact that businesses now knew what was happening over the UK’s exit from the European Union was welcomed.

And he said the current transition process gave companies the ideal opportunity to review their own offer.

“The situation offers challenges to businesses but the certainty of a decision is one that is welcomed by the business community in planning for the future,” he said.

“There has never been a more important time than during the transition period to consider ‘Why’ you and your company do what you do. The quickest way to tell people what your values are is to tell them why you do what you do.

“There is a whole magic around values in making people aware of why you do what you do and this should be a whole area of any web presence.”

Mr Woodhead, an entrepreneurial business accountant and owner based in Shropshire, added that for any business start-up or one offering new products or services there was one exercise that must always be taken up to be a success:

1. Be clear on what you offer

2. Know where your customer ‘lives’. Do they read a certain magazine, or subscribe to a blog? This is called market segmentation of your potential customer base.

3. Contextualise your speech. Talk in their way, know about their sector.

4. TALK to people in your segment, find out what they are ‘looking for’, where do they go now and can they find what they want. These can become your Unique Selling Points.

5. Now consider the Route To Market. What promotions will be effective to communicate your Unique Selling Points to your Customer Segment?

For more help and advice on making your business a success post the EU exit visit