Shropshire Star

Oswestry school pupils warned about white van following them

Pupils at The Marches School in Oswestry have been warned after reports of a man in a white van following children as they left the premises.


Alison Pearson, senior deputy headteacher of the school in Morda Road, said the warning was issued after a parent raised concerns.

She said: "We issued an email to all parents and carers on Wednesday last week. Ensuring our pupils remain safe, at all times, is of paramount importance to us.

"By notifying parents and carers and communicating this information, we are supporting them to ensure their children remain vigilant at all times."

The letter said the school had become aware that there had been sightings of a man in a white van "acting suspiciously near pupils walking home from schools in the local area".

Mrs Pearson said it was vital we share this with parents and carers to allow you to discussed with children the importance of following the normal routines on the way home.

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