Shropshire Star

Montgomery Walking Festival booking now open

A town's walking festival is now accepting bookings.

Walking Festival booking now open

Montgomery Walking Festival is due to take place between October 2 to 4, and booking for walks is now open online.

The group behind the festival has been revising its plans and working hard to ensure the festival can go ahead safely.

Organiser Jill Kibble said: "We are hoping for an improved situation in October, and so we have revised some of our planned walks and will be limiting the size of groups so that safe distancing can be observed."

She added: "We hope there will be an evening of outdoor entertainment linked to the walking festival for people to enjoy."

As always, festival walks are free, but booking is essential. Online booking opened on June 1, and Jill recommends booking early to reserve a place. Bookings can be made via the website

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