Shropshire Star

Sam Masters in shock at Wolves’ news

Wolverhampton skipper Sam Masters has spoken of his shock at the news speedway is set to finish at Monmore Green.


Masters said he had a ‘horrible feeling’ in his stomach after the riders heard the news landlords Entain Group were pulling the plug on the sport at the famous venue after this season.

The Australian is set for a testomonial this season, his seventh consecutive year with the Wolves.

He said: ““We found out about an hour before it went public.

“I’d just woken up and I never thought I’d wake up to that sort of bad message.

“It was a massive shock to all of us because we didn’t see it coming.

“As we all know, Wolverhampton is one of the most prestigious clubs in the country.

“They’re financially stable as well where from the past clubs who have stopped racing and disappeared from the sport, it’s normally because they haven’t got enough fans and can’t afford to keep running.

“But that is nowhere near the case at Wolverhampton and that makes it even worse that they can just stop us racing at Monmore Green, particularly with the support we get at Wolverhampton.”

Masters said as a team they have to put it to one side and continue with the racing and try and win the leaguer but it would be hard.

He said:”“I spent all day Monday in the workshop doing things to the bike and getting stuff ready and I had this horrible feeling in my belly all day.

“Everybody knows how much Wolves means to me.

“They’re a big part of the reason my career has gone the way it has done over the last seven years ago and to think this might be the last year I could be a Wolves rider is pretty sickening really.

“Wolverhampton is such a great club, it’s like one big family and it would be such a shame if it was just made to go just like that.

“We obviously wanted to do it anyway, but as riders now we are even more determined to do everything we can to try and win the league.

“As a team we kind of have to put the news behind us, forget about, although that’s not easy, and win as many races and meetings as we can to achieve what we would like to.”

Masters urged fans to come out in force as Wolves take on Leicester tonight.

He said: “We are expecting them to give us a challenge - but we’re in good form around Wolves ourselves right now so hopefully we can go out and get a win for the fans.”