Shropshire Star

‘Biden wins’ election battle with Trump, insists former Republican speaker

Paul Ryan has warned the Republican party against nominating the former president.

Trump Ryan

Former US House speaker Paul Ryan has warned the Republican party it will lose the presidential election if Donald Trump is selected as the nominee.

The leading Republican also told an event at the University of Wisconsin he expected hard-right followers of the former president to force a government shutdown within days.

Mr Ryan, who left office in 2019 and had a sometimes contentious relationship with Mr Trump, said he hoped another Republican nominee would gain enough momentum early next year after the first primaries to win the party’s nomination.

Taoiseach visits United States of America
Former US president Donald Trump and House speaker Paul Ryan (AP)

“The party that puts the first fresh face forward wins this election,” he said, adding that if the race was between Mr Trump and President Joe Biden: “I think Biden wins.

“I think leaders should endeavour to be honest, ethical, moral people who try to set standards for themselves and lead by example across the country. Donald Trump doesn’t try to do any of that.

“He does the opposite, frankly. So I just don’t think he’s fit for the job here.”

Ryan said in the small number of swing states, including Wisconsin, the election will come down to winning over suburban voters.

“Do you think those suburban voters like Donald Trump more since January 6?” Mr Ryan said. “I mean, good grief. They didn’t vote for him this last time, they’re not going to vote for him again.”

He had harsh words about Mr Trump’s followers in Congress, who he said were not interested in governing or finding a solution to avoid a government shutdown.

As hard-right lawmakers seize control of the House ahead of Saturday’s deadline, senators unveiled a bipartisan stopgap measure to keep offices funded until November 17, to buy time for Congress to finish its work.

Mr Ryan was speaker of the House during the last government shutdown in 2018, which lasted a record 36 days.

“There are a bunch of people who I think feel this is in their interest,” he said of a shutdown. “So I fear that is going to happen.

“We look like fools. We look like we can’t govern.”

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