Shropshire Star

Somali security forces halt extremists’ attack on Mogadishu hotel – reports

Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the attack.

Somalia Hotel Attack

Security forces in Somalia have ended an hours-long extremist attack on a beachside hotel in the capital, Mogadishu, state media reported.

There was no immediate word on any deaths at the Pearl Beach hotel.

Al-Qaida’s East Africa affiliate, al-Shabab, claimed responsibility for the attack, which began on Friday night.

Somalia Hotel Attack
A soldier stands guard near the destroyed wall of the Pearl Beach hotel (AP)

The Somalia-based extremist group is known for carrying out attacks on hotels and other high-profile locations in Mogadishu, usually starting with a suicide bombing.

Witnesses had told The Associated Press that some people were trapped inside the Pearl Beach, which is popular with government officials.

The Lido Beach area is also one of Mogadishu’s most popular.

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