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Israeli PM rebuffs Biden’s suggestion he ‘walk away’ from legal overhaul

The pair’s frosty exchange was a rare bout of public disagreement between the two close allies.

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Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu rebuffed US president Joe Biden’s suggestion that the premier “walks away” from a contentious plan to overhaul the legal system, saying the country made its own decisions.

The exchange was a rare bout of public disagreement between the two close allies and signals building friction between Israel and the US over Mr Netanyahu’s judicial changes, which he postponed after mass protests.

Asked by reporters late on Tuesday what he hoped the Israeli premier did with the legislation, Mr Biden replied: “I hope he walks away from it.”

The president added that Mr Netanyahu’s government “cannot continue down this road” and urged compromise on the plan unsettling Israel.

The president also stepped around US ambassador Thomas Nides’s suggestion that Mr Netanyahu would soon be invited to the White House, saying: “No, not in the near term.”

Mr Netanyahu replied that Israel was sovereign and “makes its decisions by the will of its people and not based on pressures from abroad, including from the best of friends”.

Later on Wednesday, Mr Netanyahu struck a more conciliatory tone, saying that while “Israel and the United States have had their occasional differences”, the alliance between them was “unshakable”.

US president Joe Biden
US president Joe Biden said the Israeli prime minister’s government ‘cannot continue down this road’ (Susan Walsh/AP)

“Nothing can change that,” he said in remarks to the state department’s Summit for Democracy.

The frosty exchange came a day after Mr Netanyahu called for a halt to his government’s contentious legislation “to avoid civil war” in the wake of two consecutive days of mass protests that drew tens of thousands of people on to Israel’s streets.

“Hopefully the prime minister will act in a way that he can try to work out some genuine compromise. But that remains to be seen,” Mr Biden said to reporters.

Israeli protest organisers called for a demonstration in support of Mr Biden outside the US embassy building in Tel Aviv on Thursday, while Mr Netanyahu’s allies doubled down on their criticism. Speaking to Kan public radio, education minister Yoav Kisch said that “a friend may not try to impose on the other regarding internal issues”.

Tens of thousands Israelis protesting against Mr Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul plan outside the parliament in Jerusalem earlier this week
Tens of thousands Israelis protested against Mr Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul plan outside the parliament in Jerusalem earlier this week (AP)

Meanwhile, Itamar Ben-Gvir, a close ally of Mr Netanyahu and minister in charge of police, told Israel’s Army Radio that Israel “is not another star in the American flag”.

“I expect the US president to understand this point,” he said.

Mr Netanyahu had several public spats with then-president Barack Obama over Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians and the Iranian nuclear issue. In 2015, he went behind the White House’s back to address Congress and rail against a nuclear deal between world powers and Iran that was in the offing.

Nimrod Goren, senior fellow at the Middle East Institute, noted that the US/Israel relationship had had previous points of crisis over, for example, the now-defunct agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear capabilities. In contrast, he said, now the White House appeared to be “questioning Netanyahu’s competence as prime minister, and whether he’s reliable or responsible”.

Mr Netanyahu and his religious and ultranationalist allies announced the judicial overhaul in January, days after forming their government, the most right-wing in Israel’s history.

Israel's opposition leader Yair Lapid
Opposition leader Yair Lapid said Israel had been the US’s closest ally for decades but that ‘the most radical government in the country’s history ruined that in three months’ (Ohad Zwigenberg/AP)

The proposal has plunged Israel into its worst domestic crisis in decades. Business leaders, top economists and former security chiefs have all come out against the plan, saying it was pushing the country towards dictatorship.

The plan would give Mr Netanyahu, who is on trial on corruption charges, and his allies the final say in appointing the nation’s judges. It would also give parliament, which is controlled by his allies, authority to overturn supreme court decisions and limit the court’s ability to review laws.

Critics say the legislation would concentrate power in the hands of the coalition in parliament and upset the balance of checks and balances between branches of government.

Mr Netanyahu said he was “striving to achieve via a broad consensus” in talks with opposition leaders that began on Tuesday.

Yair Lapid, the opposition leader in Israel’s parliament, wrote on Twitter that Israel had been the US’s closest allies for decades but “the most radical government in the country’s history ruined that in three months”.

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