Shropshire Star

Peter Rhodes on Gaza, bedbugs and a trigger warning for a jolly old movie

Russia's foreign ministry reacted to the war in Gaza by calling for an immediate ceasefire. Good ol' Russia, always the architect of peace.

Bedbugs – coming our way?

Meanwhile, police in London have been hunting people accused of publicly celebrating the Hamas attack on Israel. It is depressing to know, after all the blood, sweat and tears we have invested over many centuries in making this little island a caring and enlightened place, that it is home to some people who think slaughtering Jews is admirable.

Paris is infested with bedbugs and the itchy little critters (the bedbugs, not the French) may soon be spreading to England.

Here's a remedy, told to me some years ago by an old chap who grew up in a tiny back-to-back house in Birmingham. It was widely believed that bed bugs could not stand heat. So the moment they appeared in your house, you piled the grate high with coal and closed the windows, turning the house into something resembling a sauna.