Shropshire Star

Deadly TikTok trend sees people eating peanut butter - despite being allergic to it

A potentially fatal TikTok 'trend' has emerged with children and teenagers most at risk.

The trend has been described as dangerous.

Concerns have been raised over a new TikTok 'trend' which could result in serious injury or death.

A number of videos posted on Tiktok appear to show someone with a peanut allergy deliberately eating peanut butter to make their cheeks swell. The 'punchline' that follows is them walking away with an artificially padded bottom.

One user, whose username suggests she is a mother of four, appeared to record herself eating a spoonful of peanut butter, despite the fact that she is allergic to it.

In the video, which has amassed hundreds of thousands views, she says: "I keep seeing people eating food they're allergic to, and I'm allergic to peanut butter. Look how much my cheeks swell."

One comment under the video read: "As someone with a deathly peanut allergy, I slammed that like button just for the dedication you were about to put in, until I watched to the end."

Others commented "this is brilliant" and "this is actually so funny".

Though the comments under her video praise the hilarity of it, a statement posted by AllergyUK said the trend is 'dangerous and worrying' and is 'normalising dangerous behaviour that may lead to serious injury or death'.

The organisation said in a statement that it had reported the videos to TikTok as they 'clearly breach' the guidelines, and encourages others to do the same.

The guidelines prohibit any content that incites such dangerous behaviour. AllergyUK said it also contacted the popular social media platform directly asking them to take 'responsible action'.

Their statement also warns parents about the trend.

It reads: "Research shows teenagers and young people are the most at risk age group to suffer severe and fatal allergic reactions, and can also be the most influenced by what they see online.

"Food allergies are not a joke, and it is very disappointing that we are seeing people mock a severe health condition that carries fatality risks.

"Societal attitudes need to change. AllergyUK will continue its work to bring about this change."

They advise parents of children with food allergies to have a 'proactive conversation' with them about the dangers of the trend and to not participate in it.