Shropshire Star

Obese turtle from Manchester put on diet after gaining lockdown pounds

Cammy, the giant green sea turtle, was found to have too many rolls of fat on her body.

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Cammy the turtle

An obese turtle from Manchester is starting a weight management programme after gaining extra lockdown pounds.

Cammy, a giant green sea turtle, was put on a diet after tipping the scales during a routine weigh-in.

The bi-annual procedure found there were too many rolls of fat on the turtle’s body, particularly around her neck and backside.

The SeaLife favourite has now been put on a strict vegan meal plan, consisting of 550g of cauliflower, sprouts and broccoli and 110g of lettuce a day, combined with an increased fitness regime.

The new workout system will see pieces of her favourite vegetables concealed in ice blocks and toys, to make her work harder to get them. Her partner, Ernie, will be fed secretly around the corner of the tank to prevent her from stealing his food.

The creature welfare team will also do increased dives in the ocean tank, where Cammy and Ernie both live, to encourage her to be more active.

Senior curator at SeaLife Manchester, Brendan Malone, said: “Giant green sea turtles are well known for having a healthy appetite and that’s certainly true of Cammy. She receives two feeds a day but can regularly be found hoovering up anything she comes across.

(SeaLife Manchester)

“It’s why in the wild turtles are so at risk of pollution, they will literally try and eat anything including plastic bags, which sadly too often make it into their intestine and prove fatal.

“Whilst turtles don’t have an optimum weight, you can tell from their appearance if they need feeding up or, in Cammy’s case, slimming down. She’s developed a few extra fat rolls, with her blood tests also suggesting that she’s had one too many sprouts — her favourite treat.

“We’ll be putting her through her paces over these coming months to help her shed a couple of pounds.”

(SeaLife Manchester)

Nineteen-year-old Cammy was brought to the attraction in 2017 as a mate for Ernie.

The pair hit it off immediately however, they did develop a rift during lockdown earlier this year with Cammy snubbing the 17-year-old turtle —  however, the pair have since rekindled their love.

SeaLife Manchester is home to more than 3,000 creatures. Its doors have been temporarily closed to the public during lockdown.

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