Shropshire Star

Four months of roadworks to begin in Shrewsbury town centre

Shrewsbury residents are bracing themselves for the start of the next phase of the Shrewsbury Integrated Transport Plan, with four months of new road closures on the way.


Work will commence on Claremont Bank and Town Walls in early January, with completion anticipated in April.

A Shropshire Council spokesman said: "The work will include the upgrading of footway materials to improve the aesthetic appearance of the area; improvements to footway crossing facilities along the whole route and improved road layout and parking. Each of the phases will include carriageway resurfacing.

"During the work there will be several traffic management phases implemented, in order to accommodate the safe construction of these works for the travelling public, and the contractors’ workforce. The road will remain open for the main part of the works with lane closures and temporary traffic signals in operation.

"The carriageway resurfacing works will be undertaken under a full closure at the end of each phase. More information will be provided on variable messaging signage throughout the period of the works.

"This work is weather dependent and part of a larger overall programme which may be subject to unforeseen delays.

"As usual with works of this nature there will be some disruption whilst the works are undertaken, however every effort will be made to keep any disruption to a minimum. We thank people for their understanding while this important work is carried out."


Local businesses and residents were informed by letter earlier this year of the planned works and diversions will be put in place with traffic being rerouted around the town.

The work is phases two and three of the Shrewsbury Integrated Transport Package. Work has already been completed to the Welsh Bridge, Gyratory, Meole Brace traffic island and the Reabrook roundabout. It has been met with criticism from many quarters.

Also part of the SITP was the remodelling and renovation work to Pride Hill which included the laying of new slabs and setts, new street furniture and planters. This has now halted after the original contractor was removed, although a new contractor, McPhillips (Wellington) Ltd, has now been appointed and work will restart in the new year.

Road closures will also be in place in the south of the county. A month-long programme of works will take place on the B4371 at Church Stretton to the old district boundary east of Longville in the Dale starting on January 7. The road will be closed to through traffic between 9.30am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.