Shropshire Star

Reclaim North Shropshire by-election candidate on second jobs and key priorities

Ahead of the North Shropshire by-election on December 16, the Shropshire Star has approached all candidates with a series of questions.

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Reclaim candidate for the North Shropshire by-election, Martin Daubney

We have asked the candidates the same set of questions on topics including second jobs, priorities and national issues.

This time, it is the turn of Reclaim candidate Martin Daubney to answer the questions and tell you what his plans are for North Shropshire.

Will you take any second jobs if you are elected as MP for North Shropshire, and do you believe MPs should be prevented from taking second jobs/consultancy roles?

I will stay Deputy Leader of the Reclaim Party & Editorial Director of our media channel, Reclaim The Media.

That will signal-boost the constituency and the voters’ needs to a global audience of millions.

I’ve been a journalist for 27 years and will ensure this area is taken notice of.

What is the biggest national issue you see affecting the constituency in the coming years?

Tory hypocrisy. Central government makes huge promises to North Shropshire, and delivers nothing – putting all of their money instead into Red Wall seats.

They drone on about “protecting our NHS”, at the same time as closing the ambulance station in Oswestry.

People stop me in the street and tell me every day about how they’ve lost loved ones due to unforgivable long waiting times. This has to stop.

What would you like to achieve in your tenure as MP for North Shropshire?

I will open the Oswestry ambulance station on day one of my election. We will find a way, even if I have to raise the money myself. We need fresh, bold thinking to cut through the grease and broken promises.

What do you see as the strengths of the constituency?

The people of North Shropshire are proud patriots. In 2019, they sent me to Brussels to get Brexit done as their MEP for the West Midlands, and if they send me to Westminster I will approach the job with the same uncompromising tenacity. Actions, not words!

What are the biggest problems facing the constituency and what would you say needs to be done to address them?

The voters of North Shropshire have been taken for granted for far too long. I want to challenge the notion of “safe seats”.

Why do you want to be MP for North Shropshire?

North Shropshire is a beautiful region of Britain. It’s jewelled with wondrous market towns, yet it’s been put at the back of the queue for resources by the Tories who patently don’t care about the region.

They take the votes, and deliver little in return. I will fight to the death to make the voters of North Shropshire heard.

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