Shropshire Star

Toddlers to trot one mile to raise money to battle brain tumours

Toddlers at a nursery in Albrighton are preparing to walk one mile to raise funds for charity.

Toddlers Dorothy, Lily, Mable and Wren of St Mary Nursery, with Mrs Furnival

Ten children, aged between three and four, and five of their teachers at St Mary’s Nursery in Shaw Lane, Albrighton will take part in a ‘Toddler Trot’ in aid of Brain Tumour Research on November 30.

The walk will take them around the nursery’s on-site running track. It was organised by the secretary of the board of trustees, Lauren Littleton, alongside the nursery’s deputy manager, Sam Britton.

Mrs Littleton's uncle, John Lilley, died from a Glioblastoma brain tumour aged 61 in May this year.

Now, she has helped organise the event to raise funds for ‘John’s Crew,’ a fundraising group set up in memory of Mr Lilley in aid of Brain Tumour Research.

Toddlers at St Mary Nursery Group in Albrighton are preparing to walk one mile to raise funds for charity

She said: “My Uncle John battled a brain tumour for almost four years after being diagnosed in 2019. He was great fun, full of jokes and always kept me laughing.

"He was also extremely courageous during his treatment and was always keen to raise awareness and funds so that other people would one day not have to go through what he did.

“As a result, we have set up John’s Crew to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research with the idea of hosting lots of events each year to help find a cure for brain tumours.

“St Mary’s Toddler Trot looks set to be a great day. All of the children are really looking forward to it, as are the parents and teachers.

"They’ve been busy getting sponsorship and we can’t wait to tot up the total, now we’re just hoping for a dry day and a bit of winter sunshine.”

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