Shropshire Star

Telford zoo owner unearths 130m year old dinosaur footprint

A Shropshire zoo owner has unearthed a fossilised dinosaur footprint on a recent excursion to the Isle of Wight.

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Telford Exotic Zoo is preparing for a new exhibit after the owner made a Jurassic discovery on a fossil hunting mission on the Isle of Wight.

Scott Adams has long dreamed of his first big fossil find, having collected hundreds from coasts around the country.

But at the end of last year, Scott had his dreams come true when his first trip to the UK's 'Dinosaur Island' saw him scoop up a dinosaur footprint.

Scott Adams has found a dinosaur footprint on the Isle of Wight and brought it back to Telford Exotic Zoo

"I've been an avid fossil collector my whole life," Scott explained. "I've found fossils across the UK, you always hope that you find something cool but most of the time it's not ever successful.

"A place I've never been but always wanted to go to is the Isle of Wight, it's known as the Isle of Dinosaurs.

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