Shropshire Star

Telford Conservatives elect new leader

Telford Conservatives have elected a new leader.

Last updated
Councillor Tim Nelson

The group, which is opposition on Telford & Wrekin Council, has elected Newport North Councillor Tim Nelson to the role.

He replaces Church Aston & Lilleshall Councillor Andrew Eade.

Telford Conservatives said that Councillor Nelson had been elected 'unanimously'.

At the same meeting Priorslee Councillor, Rachael Tyrell, was elected as vice chairman of the group.

Councillor Nelson said: "I am very honoured to have been elected by my colleagues to be the leader of the Conservative Group on Telford & Wrekin Council.

"We are the main opposition group, and that is a serious role. I plan to lead the group with a positive vision for all of Telford & Wrekin, putting the residents first.

“However, I will not be afraid to call out wasteful spending or ill-thought-out plans by the current administration."

Cllr Nelson added: “I would like to thank Cllr Andrew Eade, who has been a friend and mentor. He has led the Conservative Group over many years with integrity and wisdom.”

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