Shropshire Star

Family told young daughter would have two-and-half-year wait to have tonsils removed

Shropshire's health bosses have said no child is waiting two and half years for a tonsillectomy, after a Telford couple turned to crowdfunding to take their daughter private after being told that's how long they would have to wait.


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Clarice McKenzie and her partner Scott noticed daughter Billie had began developing problems with her tonsils when she was just six months old.

She said the symptoms included repeat tonsillitis requiring hospitalisation, choking episodes resulting in vomiting and their daughter was often “gasping for breath”.

Billie was taken to see an ear, nose and throat specialist, and at the age of three who diagnosed with bilateral tonsil enlargement. Her parents were told that their daughter would need her adenoids and tonsils removed.

But the pair said they were horrified to be told by their GP that they were looking at least a year's wait and it could be as long as two-and-a-half years for the relatively simple operation.