Shropshire Star

Telford youngster Dulcie walks the red carpet at Britain's Got Talent thanks to Make a Wish

More pictures of a county youngster's red carpet walk ahead of a Britain's Got Talent show have been released.

Dulcie got to be a VIP and walk along the red carpet being being a special guest for Britain's Got Talent.

Dulcie O’Kelly, from Lawley, in Telford, was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma in December 2021, and the seven-year-old has been battling the cancer ever since.

During her treatment in hospital Dulcie would often watch reruns of Britain’s Got Talent, and had always wanted to see it live.

Dulcie got to be a VIP and walk along the red carpet being being a special guest for Britain's Got Talent.

Thanks to Make-A-Wish UK, Dulcie had her wish turned into a reality when she got the chance to walk the Britain’s Got Talent red carpet with paparazzi calling her name and taking pictures of her – before being a special VIP in the show’s audience.

Dulcie is currently on her second clinical trial, receiving treatment every two weeks in a hospital 176 miles away.