Shropshire Star

Father raises money for hospital which saved his daughter's life

A father raised nearly £3,000 for a ward at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in Telford by riding his 1967 50cc moped for 230 miles across the 10 highest roads in Wales.

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Ian Mair, his daughter Kathryn Jankowska and his grandchildren, present Peter Warren, Ward Manager, with a cheque.

Ian Mair was inspired to embark on the challenge for the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) Charity and raise money for Ward 23 (Haematology) at RSH after they cared for his daughter and grandson. after they cared for his daughter and grandson.

Ian, from Tywyn, Wales, completed the challenge in May of this year.

He said: “In November 2020, my daughter Kathryn was diagnosed with leukaemia when she was six months pregnant. Chemotherapy was started immediately and, after two rounds, her son Idris was born fit and well in SaTH’s Maternity Unit at PRH.

“Kathryn then returned after the birth for the remainder of her treatment and thankfully she is now in remission and has just had a second son, Rufus.”

“In the midst of the early days of the pandemic, the doctors, nurses and staff on Ward 23 could not have been more dedicated, caring and kind. They saved her life.”

Angela Cooper, Matron for Oncology and Haematology, said: “We would like to thank Mr Mair for this very kind and generous donation, which will be hugely appreciated by other patients. The donation will be used to support improving the patient facilities on Ward 23.”

When speaking of the care they received from maternity services, Kathryn said: “All the staff I came into contact with bent over backwards to make sure both me and my baby were okay.

“Julie, my community midwife worked with the ward staff to visit me in my isolation room for my routine appointments and whenever I needed reassurance. I was blue-lighted over to Telford twice due to sepsis infections, where the maternity teams were amazing – making sure both me and baby were healthy.

“I was eventually induced early by my consultant Dr Mohajer who had been there with me from the start and I had the most magical birthing experience under the care of the most genuinely lovely midwives I could have hoped for. My husband and I will always be truly thankful for the care we received.”

Julia Clarke, Director of Public Participation at SaTH, said: “We are grateful to Ian and his family for their support. The money raised will help to make a real difference to our patients and their loved ones.”

For further information about Ian’s fundraising trek, or to make a donation, visit

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