Shropshire Star

Telford and Wrekin's new mayor outlines aims and supported charities for year ahead

Telford and Wrekin's new mayor will be raising money for children in need, in care and care leavers during his year in the role.


Councillor Arnold England, ward member for Brookside, was appointed as the borough’s new mayor at the council’s annual general meeting on Thursday night.

Councillor England has been a Telford & Wrekin councillor since 2011 and was re-elected as a borough councillor at the local elections earlier this month.

He was nominated as mayor for the next 12 months with councillor Ian Preece, ward member for Horsehay and Lightmoor, elected as his deputy.

“During my term of office I wish to lead by example in promoting kindness and community spirit,” said Councillor England.

“I also wish to use my term as mayor to offer recognition to those key workers, carers and volunteers who work tirelessly to help others, often with little or no appreciation or reward.

“I spent time in care as a child and after care I was supported in a church hostel to move into adulthood. It is this ongoing support which I wish to help financially through the mayor’s charities.

“As part of my fundraising appeal the money raised will be donated to local charities in the support of those children in need, in care and care leavers.”

During his year as mayor Councillor Raj Mehta announced that he had attended 336 engagements. The funds raised during his mayoral year were donated to Telford & Wrekin Interfaith Council – with £12,272 presented at the council’s meeting.

“As part of my mayoral role I’ve made it my mission to ensure that individuals within our diverse communities are recognised for their outstanding contributions,” said Councillor Mehta, who represents the Horsehay & Lightmoor ward.

“Telford & Wrekin Interfaith Council are dedicated to supporting Telford’s next generation and continue to build bridges, to promote equality and to show that Telford is a great place for all.

“Through the Telford & Wrekin Interfaith Council we will continue to mentor young people and assist them to set-up multi-faith and multi-cultural youth clubs, where youth from all backgrounds can come together and feel safe and included.

“They can take part in activities, engage in further learning and equipe themselves with skills to become the leaders of tomorrow.”

As part of the annual general meeting Councillor Paul Davis was appointed as speaker for the forthcoming year, with Councillor Zonna Hannington serving as his deputy.

The full council also confirmed that Councillor Shaun Davies will be leader for the next four years and Councillor Richard Overton will be his deputy.