Shropshire Star

Man, 82, died after fall at brand new Telford store

A Telford pensioner died in hospital after a fall at a home, garden and leisure store, an inquest heard.

John Shenton died four days after a fall at The Range in Telford

John Neil Shenton, aged 82, fell at The Range at Forge Retail Park in Telford on April 17 this year, just 10 days after the new shop opened.

A hearing at Shirehall was told Mr Shenton, a retired civil engineer from Madeley, was taken to A&E at Telford's Princess Royal Hospital after the incident.

He was seen by medics and discharged, with advice to return if things got worse.

Mr Shenton was readmitted the next day, and it was found he had fractured ribs and bronchopneumonia. His condition deteriorated and he died on April 21.

John Ellery, senior coroner for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, adjourned Mr Shenton's inquest to August 1.

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